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1 coffee order = 1 Mangrove tree planted

We have teamed up with the awesome folk at (based just down the road in Peckham) to plant some trees and create a Carnival Mangrove forest.  It's super simple; for every Carnival coffee order you make - the clever Guys a C Free will make a calculation and work their magic and a Mangrove tree will be planted in Madagascar.

Why Mangrove trees and why Madagascar?

Madagascar only has 10% of its original forest remaining.  However, it is home to more than 250,000 species of animals and plants; the majority of these awesome animals, species and plants don’t exist anywhere else in the world with  90% of these almost extinct species rely on the forest.
Both rainforests and mangroves are being destroyed in Madagascar which leaves the earth to wash into the sea. 

By planting Mangroves, we can reinstate the soil stabilisation as well as improve the quality of the water that provides a natural habitat for fish and other rare sea creatures. Mangrove trees are also fantastic carbon sinks and (pound for pound) they remove four times more carbon than rainforests!  A decent income is also ensured for local villagers that pant the trees as well as importantly guaranteed income even on days where they cannot plant trees due to extreme weather.

You don't need to do anything, just continue drinking awesome Carnival coffee and this will keep growing the Carnival Mangrove forest. 

Since we started on the 3rd of January we are en-root! You helped us plant over 800 trees in the first month, this feels like a good start.

Doing our bit for our planet is super important to us here at Carnival Coffee Roasters.  We always aim to try and make our footprint as light as possible. We have lots of work still to do on this and look forward to keeping you posted over the coming months.  Keep an eye out of updates on the progress of this little forest as well as what is coming up next.


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  • What a great idea. Good luck and grow a forest.

    jacki cromwell
  • What a great idea. Good luck and grow a forest.

    jacki cromwell

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